Thursday, August 13, 2009

A cure for cellulite?

by: ElBilson | | |
Indeed there's more than one cure for cellulite " but you'll need to use each one if you want to reduce your cellulite and get ready for beach season. Many people are aware that there's no one-size-fits-all cure for this frustrating skin condition. This is partly because cellulite has to be addressed from many angles in order to be treated effectively. Below you will find the three most effective ways to cure, or at least significantly reduce, cellulite.

1. Eat a balanced diet. The problem with today's generation is that we rely too much on junk food, fast food, and fried food and expect our bodies to be healthy. The problem is that even if we take in more calories than people in other parts of the world, we still end up feeling tired and lethargic. We also wind up with cellulite bulges for our effort. This is simply because we're taking in too much of the wrong kinds of calories.

Try to change your diet for the better by eating more of the good stuff " fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Actually, if you just take in less junk food and soda you will be off to a good start. You can refer to the new Food Guide Pyramid for ideas on what is appropriate to eat. Just keep the bad stuff to a minimum and remember to cancel it out with better alternatives.

2. Get into an exercise routine. One of the main causes of cellulite is the accumulation of excess calories into fat reserves. Overweight people tend to avoid exercise because it's too tedious or they simply don't know where to start. This can lead to even more opportunities to binge out of boredom or frustration. This vicious cycle goes on and on for most people until they realize they have bigger medical problems than cellulite to worry about. It's never a good idea to wait until something like diabetes or heart disease sets in! Take action now to get the healthy body you crave.

Settle into a simple exercise routine and work your intensity levels up slowly. It is important to start slowly so that you will stick with a routine and not over do it. Some people start with a daily hourly walk, then graduate to jogging, then running. Once you regulate your diet, jogging an hour a day can help you burn one pound a week " that's 50 pounds a year. If you reduce your overall body fat, you'll reduce your levels of cellulite as well. It's no surprise why many experts claim exercise is the best cure for cellulite out there. It can also be one of the cheapest cures!

3. Use a cellulite reduction cream. There are many cure for cellulite creams out there, and some are more effective than others. Consulting with your doctor and dermatologist can point you to a product that will give you great results.

Topical creams work in three ways. The first is by improving the appearance of your skin. Second is by increasing the blood circulation around the affected areas. Blood brings nutrients and takes away toxins and other waste material from areas of the body affected by cellulite. So by improving circulation, you will gradually reduce the fat reserves. Thirdly, massaging the affected areas vigorously will help create heat in the area. Heat isn't good for cellulite, since it burns fat.

By practicing these methods together on a regular basis, you will constitute quite a potent cure for cellulite. As you go along with your cellulite treatments, you'll realize that you look thinner, you are more resistant to colds, and you have more energy to enjoy life. These are all the benefits of a healthy lifestyle!

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