Friday, August 14, 2009

Laser hair removal

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Both women and men alike suffer from hair that they don't like. Whether you are a woman that is suffering with facial hair that causes you embarrassment, or a man that isn't comfortable going shirtless due to the overgrowth of hair on your back; there is something that you can do to get rid of that hair in a way that is less evasive then waxing and will give you better results than shaving. You will want to make it a point to research laser hair removal. This is generally the best option for people that are tired of fighting with unwanted hair. Laser hair removal is gaining popularity by leaps and bounds as people turn to it to help them get rid of the hair that has been causing them so many problems. One of the biggest selling points for laser hair removal is that it will permanently reduce or remove a persons unwanted hair.

Laser hair removal involves a beam of laser energy into your skin, this laser energy will turn in to heat which will destroy the hair follicle. When the hair follicle becomes destroyed the hair will not grow back out of it. This is what makes laser hair removal so successful. There are some factors that you will want to take in to consideration and you should have a consultation about how successful laser hair removal may be for you. Your skin tone will play a large part in how successful your experience will be. This process usually works best for people that have light skin and dark colored hair. The reason being that darker skin will absorb some of the heat caused from the laser in to their skin which could cause burning. If you have very light colored hair laser hair removal may not work very well.

When you decide to give laser hair removal a try you will want to find out what type of equipment the person that will be doing the hair removal process will be using. There are many different lasers out there on the market and some of these may not use a cooling device. A cooling device can make all of the difference in your experience, it will help you to feel more comfortable while the process is happening. It prevents your upper layers of skin from becoming overly hot as your hair follicle is being destroyed. If you want to make sure that you are going to be as comfortable as possible during the process, then do your research ahead of time.

Although laser hair removal will dramatically decrease the amount of hair regrowth that you will experience, it is still a process and you will need to continue through with the process for a certain amount of treatments and time until you will come to a place where you will be able to have the hairless skin that you want permanently. Most patients will require about 3 to 8 treatments until they get the final results that they are looking for. The time range for getting through the entire process can be between 10 to 24 months. Even if you end up having some small amounts of regrowth they will be much easier for you to maintain.
© 2009

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